Action Plan for the Digital Patient

30 April, 2024

[Note from HIFA moderator NPW: The Action Plan is now available at the following URL: ]

I am forwarding the excellent report "Action Plan for the Digital Patient". The report was commissioned by the Cambridge University Land Society and directed and edited by Marlene Winfield.

"The Whitehall Group is a high level, influential policy discussion forum of well-connected Cambridge alumni, who are mainly members of the Cambridge University Land Society. It pulls together a previous legacy of high quality events over the last decade which is outside the mainstream of CULS activities. The Whitehall Group operates through a series of focused lunches and dinners for up to 25 attendees per meeting in order to maintain an exclusive, intimate and senior level gathering under the Chatham House Rule. The Whitehall Group also runs a distinguished series of policy lectures – The Whitehall Lectures. This series was inaugurated by Professor Sir Malcolm Grant CBE at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in March 2014.

The Whitehall Group events cover a wide range of macro-economic business, social and educational issues of the day – The Economy, Foreign Affairs, Social and Health Policies, Infrastructure, Transport, Energy, Climate Change, Finance and Investment, Environment, Housing, Technology, Real Estate Investment and Finance, Urban Planning, Education and Politics.

You can see the recording of the Ninth Whitehall Lecture, given by Professor David Runciman, , Professor of Politics, University of Cambridge ‘Did Covid Kill the Climate? How Democracies Fail in a Time of Crisis’ on the CULS YouTube channel via this link:

For further information please contact Fiona Jones at:"



Following the recent discussions hosted by the Whitehall Group, this is to let you know that the above paper will be published on April 30. We are grateful for the insights you gave us through these discussions, interviews and email comments. They truly did determine the paper’s shape.

On or after April 30th, please feel free to circulate the paper widely. It can also be accessed on the Cambridge University Land Society website.

I hope you don’t mind if we update you on next steps once we gauge the reaction to the proposals. I you have any thoughts in the meantime, please contact Marlene.

With regards and thanks, Colm, Douglas and Marlene

Marlene Winfield OBE


Forwarded by: HIFA profile: Richard Fitton is a retired family doctor - GP. Professional interests: Health literacy, patient partnership of trust and implementation of healthcare with professionals, family and public involvement in the prevention of modern lifestyle diseases, patients using access to professional records to overcome confidentiality barriers to care, patients as part of the policing of the use of their patient data Email address: richardpeterfitton7 AT