Webinar: Community Health Worker Programs

30 April, 2024

Dear colleagues,

The Knowledge SUCCESS project invites you to a discussion on implementing and scaling up the integration of Community Health Workers into health systems. Community Health Worker programs are an essential part of a strong health system, and are a proven high-impact practice in family planning. When effectively trained, equipped, and integrated into the health system, Community Health Workers can increase access to and use of contraception, particularly where unmet need is high, access is low, and geographic or social barriers to use of services exist.

Panelists will share programmatic experiences and innovations on high-priority topics, including:

* How to ensure sustained salaries for Community Health Workers

* Effective data collection and reporting mechanisms

* Expanding Community Health Workers’ scope of practice through integrated training

See invite below for additional details, or click here <https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JNopfcYeRimEs8UiAqprsg?utm_s... to register now.

All the best,


Sophie Weiner

Program Officer II, Knowledge SUCCESS

Discover what works and what doesn’t based on experiences from 9 countries in Africa and Asia

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Join us for a webinar.

Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00-8:00 am EDT

This webinar will be hosted in English with French interpretation.

Ce webinaire se déroulera en anglais avec interprétation en français.

Register <https://info.knowledgesuccess.org/e3t/Ctc/RH+113/cKDZk04/VX3Mf09dltq8W7w...

During February 2024, the Knowledge SUCCESS project hosted three regional Learning Circles cohorts focused on implementing and scaling up the integration of Community Health Workers (CHWs) into health systems, a High Impact Practice in Family Planning.

During the course of the 4 virtual learning sessions, participants representing 29 countries within Africa and Asia discussed and shared their individual and collective success factors for effective CHW programs, sorted through their challenges and how to overcome them, and envisioned how to apply their learnings into future CHW programming.

To share these insights among a larger audience, Knowledge SUCCESS is hosting a webinar to summarize the high-level success factors and solutions that were shared by participants across the Learning Circles cohorts. The webinar will also feature an individual from each cohort to share in more detail a programmatic experience or innovation on topics that emerged as high-priority areas among the Learning Circles participants.

Our speakers:

* Dr. Mohamed Sangare, Johns Hopkins CCP, Senegal (Moderator)

* Aisha Fatima, Jhpiego, Pakistan (Panelist)

* Dr. Tadele Kebede, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia (Panelist)

* Yvette Ribaira, JSI, Madagascar (Panelist)

[KS Partner logos 2023]<https://info.knowledgesuccess.org/e3t/Ctc/RH+113/cKDZk04/VX3Mf09dltq8W7w...

This email is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Knowledge SUCCESS <https://info.knowledgesuccess.org/e3t/Ctc/RH+113/cKDZk04/VX3Mf09dltq8W7w... Project. Knowledge SUCCESS is led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP). The contents of this email are the sole responsibility of CCP. The information provided in this email does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or the Johns Hopkins University.

Knowledge SUCCESS / Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA

HIFA profile: Sophie Weiner is a communications specialist with the Johns Hopkins' K4Health Project in the USA. sophie.weiner AT jhu.edu