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SO non-financial

Project HOPE

'Project HOPE operates around the world wherever the need is greatest, working side-by-side with health care workers and their communities, addressing the greatest public health challenges to enable people to live their best lives. We respond to disasters and health crises and stay on in communities long after disaster strikes to help find solutions to epidemics and any other neglected health needs.'


United States

Makerere University School of Public Health

'Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) is a leading public health institution in Uganda and within the East and Central Africa region. Founded in 1954 as a Department of Preventive Medicine, under the Faculty of Medicine, it became an Institute of Public Health in 1974 and was upgraded to the School of Public Health in 2007. MakSPH is one of the four Schools under Makerere University’s College of Health Sciences.'



Building Regional Alliances to Nurture Child Health

Building Regional Alliances to Nurture Child Health partners with community leaders to listen to discuss programs they feel would improve child health and safety; Develops and implement training of trainers and pre-service curricula on the diagnosis, treatment and interagency coordination on sexual abuse and physical abuse, and Ensures the sustainability of the programs by facilitating relationships with governmental and international funding agencies to provide long-term funding.


New York , NY
United States
New York US


UNAPSA (Union of National African Paediatric Societies and Associations) is the body of African paediatricians represented by National Paediatric Societies and Associations in Africa. To date there are thirty-eight country membership. UNAPSA is affiliated to the International Pediatric Association (IPA).


Ivory Coast

BMJ Group

'BMJ Group is a global healthcare knowledge provider with a vision for a healthier world. Everything the values-driven organisation does is underpinned by its dedication to creating better evidence, better decisions, and better systems that contribute to a healthier world for all. It does this by sharing knowledge and expertise to improve health outcomes through three key areas: publishing and events, careers and learning, and digital health. 'Since 1840, BMJ Group has empowered health professionals to make better evidence-based decisions and improve patient outcomes.


United Kingdom


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