Tens of thousands of deaths occur needlessly every day in low- and middle-income countries, simply because of failure to provide life-saving interventions. Very often, these interventions are locally available but are not provided because of lack of basic healthcare knowledge among citizens, parents and children. This leads to failure to recognise serious illness and delays in seeking appropriate health care. In many countries in Africa, for example, more than 80% of child deaths occur in the home or en route to a healthcare facility.
There is also a lack of access to adequate information for patients across all levels and aspects of healthcare services.
The HIFA Project for Citizens, Parents and Children promotes communication, understanding and advocacy to improve the availability and use of healthcare information for citizens, parents and children in low- and middle-income countries. We use the term 'citizens' inclusively to refer to all people (including patients) and communities. And we emphasise 'children' because children are all too often responsible for the care of their own parents and siblings.
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