How to use the HIFA forums

What is HIFA? HIFA is a moderated email discussion forum that promotes sharing of experience and expertise to address the information needs of health workers, the public, and policymakers worldwide. 

When you join HIFA, you will receive a personalised message with a draft HIFA profile for you to review. This profile is added to any future message you send to the forum. To change your profile, send the new text to

You will receive a daily compilation of approved messages into your personal email box. Contact if you would like to change how you receive messages.

How to send a message to HIFA: To send a message to the HIFA (English) forum, simply send an mail to: 

HIFA is based on email. You send and receive emails via your personal Outbox and Inbox. There is no need to log into a website, no need to remember a password.  

HIFA has five other global forums in four languages! CHIFA (child health and rights, English)HIFA-FrenchHIFA-PortugueseHIFA-Spanish, and HIFA-Zambia. The email addresses for these forums are:,,, and

Your message will normally be approved and distributed to other members within a few hours, or you will receive a personal communication from the HIFA moderators.

How to review discussions:  For discussions on HIFA-English, see: (For discussions on our other forums, see the links above) 

What to post: We welcome all postings, even if controversial, provided that they are relevant to the HIFA remit.

What not to post: To preserve the quality and integrity of the forum please do not post: * messages that are not relevant to the purpose of HIFA * messages of a defamatory nature or that may be perceived as personal criticism or put-down * commercial messages, promoting goods or services for profit * messages advertising vacant positions or asking for funding * very long messages such as the whole text of newsletters and long cut-and-pastes (ideal length = less than 250 words)

Please note that HIFA is plain text and does not carry aattachments, graphics or embedded links.

How do I update my profile? Email your new profile to

How do I unsubscribe? To unsubscribe, send an email to: If you have more than one email address, make sure you send the email address from the address with which you are registered.

Disclaimer: HIFA is not responsible for the quality and accuracy of information posted by HIFA forum members. HIFA is an informal space for exchange of experience on how to improve the availability of reliable healthcare information. While many HIFA members are publishers and editors, HIFA itself is primarily a convener of stakeholders and not a publisher.

Use of messages: Each individual member retains the copyright in his/her own messages. A member can edit and erase messages that he/she has contributed. All content on HIFA is regulated by a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0-license ( ), the key elements of which are that anyone is free to copy, adapt, distribute and transmit the message for non-commercial use, as long as the derivative is shared under the same license and the source is fully attributed. HIFA is administered by the Global Healthcare Information Network (GHI-Net), a UK-based non-profit working since 2022 in official relations with the World Health Organization.

Questions? Contact the moderator:

For further details about HIFA, see

We look forward to your participation!

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Global Coordinator