10 messages on Climate Change - Can you Help?

12 April, 2023

Dear All

As many of you know, Children for Health co-creates sets of health messages for young adolescents to learn and share on many key health topics. We then turn these into posters when we can. Thousands of our free posters have

been downloaded throughout the world over the years. Take a look here..


The idea behind all our work is to empower young adolescents.

We are delighted to have received some funding to do some work on Climate Change and I am wondering if this community thinks that developing a set of 10 messages for young adolescents would be a worthwhile endeavour and if so, what might be your ideas for the key messages?

If you are interested in joining a panel of experts and practitioners to help with this then do let me know.

Best wishes

Clare Hanbury

HIFA profile: Clare Hanbury is director of Children for Health (www.childrenforhealth.org). She qualified as a teacher in the UK and then worked in schools in Kenya and Hong Kong. After an MA in Education in Developing Countries and for many years, Clare worked for The Child-to-Child Trust based at the University of London’s Institute of Education where, alongside Hugh Hawes and Professor David Morley she worked to help embed the Child-to-Child ideas of childrens participation in health – into government and non-government child health and education programmes in numerous countries. Clare has worked with these ideas alongside vulnerable groups of children such as refugees and street children. Since her MSc in International Maternal and Child Health, Clare has worked freelance and focuses on helping government and non-government programmes to design and deliver child-centered health and education programmes where children are active participants. Clare has worked in many countries in East and Southern Africa and in Pakistan, Cambodia and the Yemen. Her current passion is for distilling health information for teachers, health workers and others – into simple practical health messages actionable by children. clare AT childrenforhealth.org