2024-2027 ICATCH Cycle now open and ICATCH tips on grant writing Webinar this Thursday 16th November @ 11 am CST

14 November, 2023

Greetings Fellow CHIFA members,

Funding Opportunity!

Our newest (and 18th) ICATCH grants Cycle for 2024-2027 is open AAP's ICATCH 2024-2027 Cycle<applewebdata://065CE8CF-0880-48C1-B26E-DC5AAEBF1E5E/ICATCH%202024-2027%20Cycle> and a simple 2 page Preliminary Application is now online with deadline for submission before Friday, December 8, 2023 at 11:59 PM CST.

See the 2024-2027 ICATCH Call for Proposals for more details: ICATCH 2024-2027 Call for Proposals<https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vq0m6gt9jn0r6d7kdfuty/Call-for-Proposals_...

Grants are open for child health providers working in Lower/ Low-Middle Income Countries World Bank 2024 criteria<applewebdata://065CE8CF-0880-48C1-B26E-DC5AAEBF1E5E/World%20Bank%202024%20criteria> again for a 3 year cycle, $2000/year, with the same 5 invited issues:

* Physical or Developmental Disabilities

* Mental Health

* Newborn Health

* Nutrition/Malnutrition

* Care of Hospitalized Children.

Unlike many grant programs, ICATCH does not fund research, but focuses on improving access to clinical care, health education or pediatric training to child health providers. Applicants need NOT be pediatricians—CHWs, midwives, nurses, physical therapists and teachers,etc. are welcome to apply. We are eager to support small, simple but sustainable efforts that improve child health.

ICATCH is hosting a free one hour grant writing webinar open to all on this Thursday November 16 at 11 am CST. Register for ICATCH 2024-2027 tips for grant writers<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElc-2rqTgpEtGNxdlE9qadUTK1h60... or listen to the recording.

Peace and good health,

Ann Behrmann for the ICATCH Team

Ann Behrmann MD


Adjunct Faculty UW-Madison Center for South Asia

Past Program Director, ICATCH grants


CHIFA profile: Ann Behrmann is Program Director, International Community Access to Child Health (ICATCH) Grants at the American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on International Child Health (SOICH) in the USA. She is working with pediatric colleagues at the University of Wisconsin and also Columbia University and University of Vermont to develop an online Toolkit for Global School Health. She also works in India at the Tibetan Children's Home in Clement Town, near Dehradun to develop a rudimentary school health program, and on a 6 year old lunch and nutrition monitoring program for 200 disabled kids who attend rehabilitation and special education classes at Chingari Trust, Bhopal. Professional interests: School based health in low resource settings, Children with disabilities, Environmental Health, Quality Improvement Projects in low resource settings. atbehrma AT wisc.edu