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8 billion milestone

16 November, 2022

‘Milestone for humanity’ as UN celebrates 8 billionth birth | | 1UN News


“A world of 8 billion is a milestone for humanity - the result of longer lifespans, reductions in poverty, and decllining maternal and childhood mortality. Yet, focusing on numbers alone distracts us from the real challenge we face: Securing a world in which progress can be enjoyed equally and sustainably,” said UNFPA chief Natalia Kanem.

No ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution

Whether populations are growing or shrinking, every country must be equipped to provide its citizens with a good quality of life and lift up the most marginalized.

“We cannot rely on one-size-fits-all solutions in a world in which the median age is 41 in Europe, compared to 17 in sub-Saharan Africa”, continued Ms. Kanem.

“To succeed, all population policies must have reproductive rights at their core, invest in people and planet, and be based on solid data”.

HIFA profile: Richard Fitton is a retired family doctor - GP. Professional interests: Health literacy, patient partnership of trust and implementation of healthcare with professionals, family and public involvement in the prevention of modern lifestyle diseases, patients using access to professional records to overcome confidentiality barriers to care, patients as part of the policing of the use of their patient data Email address: richardpeterfitton7 AT gmail.com