Dear HIFA coordinators, I would like to call your attention to recently published papers on access to family planning in Malawi. I think many of HIFA followers may find it relevant to their own work. I would be happy if you could share the following message with the wider community of HIFA:
Like to call your attention to recently published articles on turnaway from family planning in three districts of Malawi. As we know, access to family planning continues to be an issue, despite the many efforts made over the years to improve the situation. These articles focus on women who are turned away at facilities without receiving a method of FP on the day it was sought. The first article focuses on the proportion of clients turned away, as well as the reasons for turnaway. The second focuses on the provider role and perspective on turnaway.
Peterson JM, Bendabenda J, Mboma A, Gunnlaugsson G, Stanback J, Chen M. Turned Away and at Risk: Denial of Family Planning Services to Women in Malawi. Studies in Family Planning. 2022.
Peterson JM, Bendabenda J, Mboma A, Chen M, Stanback J, Gunnlaugsson G. The Provider Role and Perspective in the Denial of Family Planning Services to Women in Malawi: A Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19(5).
Geir Gunnlaugsson, MD, PhD, MPH
Emeritus Professor of Global Health
Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology, and Folkloristics
Oddi-319 v/Sturlugata 3
University of Iceland
IS-102 Reykjavik
Tel work: +354-525 4369/mobile +354-843 6237
HIFA profile: Geir Gunnlaugsson is a Paediatrician and Emeritus Professor of Global Health at the University of Iceland. Professional interests: Global Health; maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health; Research; and Education. geir AT