Advocacy on formula advertising(15)

7 August, 2020

Thank you Dr Okoi-obuli for that succinct response and for the timely support of the Baby Friendly Initiative!.

When I was working with Professor Olikoye Ransome -Kuti during and after the Civil War, we trained teams of nurse midwives to provide primary MCH Care and sent them out to Katsina, Sokoto, Kano and Calabar. I hope that Calabar is still getting integrated Maternal & Child Primary Care at low cost the way Koye hoped!

Best wishes from Nick Cunningham

CHIFA Profile: Nicholas Cunningham is Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pediatrics & Clinical Public Health at Columbia University, New York, USA. He is interested in International Primary Maternal and Child Health Care... community owned, professionally overseen, and supported by $/power interests, incorporating integrated cure/prevention, midwifery/child care, child saving/child spacing, nutrition/infection, health/education (especially female), monitored but not evaluated for at least 5-10 years, based on methods pioneered by David Morley at Imesi, Nigeria and by the Aroles at the Jamkhed villages in Maharashtra State in India. Totatot AT