Advocacy on infant formula advertising (26)

11 August, 2020

I agree with Adriano about coming together for advocacy. Of course it should be kept free of conflicts of interest. Industry resist any kind of regulatory mechanisms. They remain happy with ‘self-regulation’. But challenges keep coming even after having a strong national law, as we are witnessing in India. Danone India is reaching to mothers (prohibited under Indian law) through social media, involving influencers. See: Danone is reaching to doctors by establishing Danone Nutrition Academy again involving doctors as experts! See:

While advocating for strong national laws in EU countries, efforts should also be made towards European Union taking action against European multinational formula companies breaking laws in developing countries.

JP Dadhich

New Delhi, India

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CHIFA profile: J P Dadhich is the National Coordinator for the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) in India. Professional interests: Child Health, Child Nutrition, Infant and Young Child Feeding, Conflict of Interest. jpdadhich AT