Dear all
The Africa forum for primary healthcare (AftoPHC) is currently looking for speakers/presenters to run its CPD courses in collaboration with WCEA. We often have between 300-500. Interested individuals should follow the link below. However we are not limited by these topics. Other topics are welcome
“Without rural nursing workforce rural healthcare would collapse and we can
not achieve universal health coverage and SDGs”
“The means of strengthening health system is through PRIMARY HEALTHCARE”
“ Missed gaps in delivering Primary Health Care Services can be met as more
health workers are trained and equipped with knowledge and skills”.
Senkyire Ephraim Kumi
BSc (Hons) Nursing,Gradcert. HAT, LSTM-Global health scholar TUFH fellow,
GNLI scholar
Inline images
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAC-7175-2021.
HIFA profile: Ephraim Senkyire is a nursing officer with the Ghana health service and has a professional interest in women, maternal, child, neonatal health, allied health research, health professionals education, and nursing practice. Email address: senkyire88 AT