AI Algorithmic Literacy for Global Health Workforce Education + Free Workshop

4 December, 2024

Dear Colleagues

Continuing with our work of addressing Artificial Intelligence in the global health system, specifically in the global health workforce component, Professor Vovides and I co-authored an article that was published in the Artificial Intelligence for Health Journal titled: Contextualizing Algorithmic Literacy Framework for Global Health Workforce Education.

Since this (AI, Algorithmic Literacy) linkages to the global health system is a new area of research in global health, I am providing a brief excerpt below to introduce the subject, for easy readership.

Below is a brief excerpt

"With the rapid and accelerating advancement of generative artificial intelligence (AI), research is lagging on how to ensure that the health workforce becomes and stays AI-literate. This paper describes a way forward specifically toward establishing an AI-augmented curriculum within global health workforce education. AI, unlike other technological advancements, is constantly changing. Therefore, the adoption of specific tools for health workforce education has to be analyzed in the context of the educational setting for shaping a sustainable and equitable AI-augmented global health workforce curriculum. This necessitates an integration of AI algorithmic literacy within academic curricula. In this paper, we propose the algorithmic literacy framework (ALF) for global health workforce education to address individual and organizational readiness.ALF offers universities and health workforce training institutions a way of organizing their approach to algorithmic/AI literacy readiness that embraces their organization’s values and, at the same time, urging them to act."

In continuation of this particular publication, we will be conducting a number of global workshops on AI-ALF individual and organizational readiness, in 2025, in collaboration with colleagues at High, Middle, and Low-income health workforce and computer science education institutions.

For more information and registration about the limited space initial two FREE virtual workshops, please see information at our IT for Health and Education System Equity website.

Kind Regards



Seble Frehywot MD, MHSA

Professor of Global Health & Health Policy|

Co-Founder IT for Health and Education System Equity

Dept. of Global Health|

Dept. of Health Policy & Management

Milken Institute School of Public Health

The George Washington University

o 202-994-4311 f 202-994-3472

HIFA profile: Seble Frehywot is Professor of Global Health and Health Policy and Co-Founder IT for Health and Education System Equity at the George Washington University, USA. She has worked in Asia, Africa and the United States in the fields of medicine, public health, international & national health policy analysis, health policy analysis capacity-building, and health services research and program management. Her research and policy analysis focus is on developing countries health workforce and health systems issues with a main focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Health Human Resource and Health Systems development and strengthening issues. She teaches International Comparative Health Systems course at the GWU. seblelf AT