Book Chapter-The Imperative for Integrating Climate Change Concept into Universal Health Coverage Framework (2)

29 December, 2024

[re: ]

Hi James,

Many congratulations on the chapter. The book sounds a marvellous compendium and prospective read.

[I'd be interested in a review copy please if possible? A soft/hardcopy would be needed, in light of screen time - which impact us all of course.]

Noting your focus on planetary health, climate, SDGs, UHC - you may find Hodges' model of interest, the paper and posts below:

Jones P, Wirnitzer K. Hodges’ model: the Sustainable Development Goals and public health – universal health coverage demands a universal framework. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2022;5:doi: 10.1136/bmjnph-2021-000254 (

planetary (health)

"Fragile: This way up - Frozen goods!"

The model has also been cited (x3) in a recent paper:

Kainat Asmat (2024). Practice Without Theory: A Philosophical Inquiry into Contemporary Nursing in South Asia: Nursing Practice without Theory. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care.12.125-131. 10.18552/ijpblhsc.v12i2.1068. (

New citations - Practice Without Theory: A Philosophical Inquiry into Contemporary Nursing in South Asia

Currently reading for review 'Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence'

All the best in your work and for the text.

Peter Jones

Community Mental Health Nurse, Part-time Tutor and Researcher

Blogging at "Welcome to the QUAD"

HIFA profile: Peter Jones is a Community Mental Health Nurse with the NHS in NW England and a a part-time tutor at Bolton University. Peter champions a conceptual framework - Hodges' model - that can be used to facilitate personal and group reflection and holistic / integrated care. A bibliography is provided at the blog 'Welcome to the QUAD' ( h2cmuk AT