We are excited by this report of a case series of three, that have been reportedly 'cured of HIV'. The implications are massive for this dreaded disease, even though currently, with compliance to therapy, patients can now be classed as having chronic infection and not certain fatality!. The prospect of outright cure for HIV is nothing but terrific news for millions of its victims and the World.
Read on courtesy of Medscape:
Third Transplant Patient Cured of HIV Marks Important Firsts
Kathleen Doheny February 16, 2022
[Extracts below. Read in full online: https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/news/20220216/third-transplant-patient-cu... ]
This week’s news that a third person has been “cured” of HIV through a unique transplant of stem cells has given hope for a larger-scale way to beat back the HIV epidemic that has plagued the world for decades.
But while this case is certainly cause for celebration, experts involved in the effort say we are still a long way from a universal cure.
Researcher Yvonne Bryson, MD, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at UCLA, told those attending a conference on infectious diseases Tuesday that this case is special. The patient was a woman living with HIV who is multiracial. The previous two patients were men: one white, one Latino.
The woman in this case was given transplants of stem cells and umbilical cord blood to treat leukemia. The treatment not only sent her cancer into remission, but her HIV as well.
The success of this case suggests that cord stem cell transplants should be considered to produce remission and cure for those with HIV who also have cancers and other diseases, the researchers say...
Prof Joseph Ana
Lead Senior Fellow/ medical consultant.
Africa Center for Clinical Governance Research &
Patient Safety (ACCGR&PS)
P: +234 (0) 8063600642
E: info@hri-global.org
8 Amaku Street, State Housing & 20 Eta Agbor Road,
Calabar, Nigeria.
HIFA profile: Joseph Ana is the Lead Consultant and Trainer at the Africa Centre for Clinical Governance Research and Patient Safety in Calabar, Nigeria, established by HRI Global (former HRIWA). In 2015 he won the NMA Award of Excellence for establishing 12-Pillar Clinical Governance, Quality and Safety initiative in Nigeria. He has been the pioneer Chairman of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) National Committee on Clinical Governance and Research since 2012. He is also Chairman of the Quality & Performance subcommittee of the Technical Working Group for the implementation of the Nigeria Health Act. He is a pioneer Trustee-Director of the NMF (Nigerian Medical Forum) which took the BMJ to West Africa in 1995. He is particularly interested in strengthening health systems for quality and safety in LMICs. He has written Five books on the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance for LMICs, including a TOOLS for Implementation. He established the Department of Clinical Governance, Servicom & e-health in the Cross River State Ministry of Health, Nigeria in 2007. Website: www.hri-global.org. Joseph is a member of the HIFA Steering Group and the HIFA working group on Community Health Workers.
Website: www.hri-global.com Joseph is a member of the HIFA Steering Group and the HIFA working group on Community Health Workers.
Email: info@hri-global.org and jneana@yahoo.co.uk