Call for papers: Building and restoring trust in science and health information across patient, community and population Settings

16 December, 2022

I am forwarding this from our colleagues at Infodemic Management News, WHO.

Opportunities for action

Call for papers: Building and restoring trust in science and health information across patient, community and population Settings

The Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media, and Engagement in Global Health seeks to solicit diverse perspectives and build a robust evidence base for a special issue on trust and misinformation as part of the journal’s Science of Trust Initiative. This special issue will explore topics across different health communication areas aimed at addressing issues fuelled by misinformation such as mistrust, social discrimination, and pervasive stigma. There is specific interest in submissions related to the science of trust that focus on interdisciplinary collaborations to promote social, policy, and/or behavioral change, address key root causes of health inequities, and can help forge the path forward for building and fostering trust. A good opportunity to showcase your latest achievements or research in infodemic management!

To read the call for papers and submit, it’s here. The deadline is 26 February 2022.

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator

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