Call for papers: Building and restoring trust in science and health information across patient, community and population settings (5) HIFA-WHO Collaboration

31 December, 2022

Dear Neil and all members of HIFA family

Happy New Year. The suggestion to invite comments from HIFA members is a logical one and fully supported. HIFA current collaboration with WHO should really be highlighted in this piece especially that WHO and HIFA have both a mission to make high quality information available and accessible by the world. Good quality, timely and accurate health information provided to people is the best prevention, protection and leads to good treatment of diseases. Hopefully this will make heath goals much more attainable. Lets go for it friends.

With kind regards.

Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, PhD, IAHSI

Mobile: +962 799391604

Tel.: +962 (6) 5240273


Director, Knowledge, Ethics and Research WHO/HQ (Retired)

e-Marefa Advisor

President, Jordan Library and Information Association

President, eHealth Development Association, Jordan

President, Middle East and North Africa Association of Health Informatics

IMIA Vice-President for MEDINFO 2023

Visiting Professor, Ain Shams University, Egypt

Member of the International Academy of Pubic Health Scientific Council

ORCID ID 0000-0003-3843-8430

HIFA profile: Najeeb Al-Shorbaji recently retired from the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked since 1988 in different capacities. He was most recently Director of the Knowledge, Ethics and Research Department at WHO headquarters, Geneva. Previously he was Coordinator for Knowledge Management and Sharing in EMRO (Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office), Egypt. He is a member of a number of national and international professional societies and associations specialised in information management and health informatics. He has authored over 100 research papers and articles presented in various conferences and published in professional journals. He is a member of the HIFA Steering Group and the HIFA Working Group on Multilingualism.

Email: shorbajin AT