Call for papers: Digital Health Governance (3)

6 June, 2022

Dear Dr. Chaudhuri,

I agree that independent professionals are not in an equal position when publishing their research as open access (I have the same problem when publishing my research in the journal where I serve an editor). As a librarian I am always trying to find legal ways to comply with the publisher’s Green open access policy: when planning my research I am trying to work with a co-author from an organization that has an institutional repository to deposit “author accepted manuscript” - post-print), and if I am the only author I deposit it on my own web-site.

International Journal of Health Governance is a hybrid journal, which means that for now only corresponding authors based in countries classified by the World Bank as ‘low’ income are eligible for a full waiver of an APC if they want to publish their research as open access.

Another way to share research as open access is to publish it not in a specific journal - but on an open research platform. Emerald Open Researcch is a new way to rapidly publish a range of research outputs, from original research articles to case studies and data notes, and is based on an open peer-review approach. For now it offers six gateways publishing research on the following themes aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Sustainable Food Systems; Quality Education for All; Sustainable Cities; Responsible Management; Healthier Lives; Fairer Society. More information is available at



HIFA profile: Irina Ibraghimova is an independent consultant with a PhD. in library sciences and more than 20 years’ international experience in ICT for health projects. She now serves as a Co-editor for the International Journal of Health Governance (Emerald Publishing). Professional interests: Information and health literacy, evidence-based practice, science communication and medical journals editing. She is a HIFA country representative for Croatia: