In case you missed it - Working towards malaria elimination in Nigeria: Insights from Malaria Consortium

21 June, 2023

Dear all,

Malaria Consortium is pleased to share two recent publications that highlight important insights from our work on malaria programming in Nigeria.

Advocacy brief (interactive version): Achieving malaria elimination through public-private-philanthropic partnerships< (PDF available here<<https://

To accelerate countries towards malaria elimination, we need to create the conditions for partnerships between public, private and philanthropic (PPP) actors to flourish. Based on our work in Nigeria to better understand the PPP landscape, this advocacy brief provides recommendations on how countries can foster conducive environments for stronger partnerships.

Technical brief: Adapting political economy analysis for malaria programming < (PDF version)

Several factors determine the success of a malaria intervention. Conducting a political economy analysis (PEA) can help us to understand how change happens in a particular setting, by identifying the contextual factors that drive change, influence decision-making and shape power relations. Our technical brief outlines how to conduct a PEA and shows how we adapted this approach in Nigeria. We sought to better understand how the power, interests, incentives, values, beliefs and ideologies of different individuals and groups — at national and subnational levels — shape the context for implementation of the malaria elimination programme.

If you have any comments, or would like to continue the conversation further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,


Samantha Rothbart

Publications Manager

Malaria Consortium

The Green House, 244‐254 Cambridge Heath Rd, London E2 9DA

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Malaria Consortium’s mission is to save lives and improve health in Africa and Asia through evidence‐based programmes that combat targeted diseases and promote universal health coverage.

HIFA profile: Samantha Rothbart is Publications Manager at the Malaria Consortium, UK. Professional interests: Disease burden reduction; Digital health, gender and youth; Climate change. s.rothbart AT