Challenges for improving quality care at facility level

14 August, 2021

The main challenges are

1. Access.

Accessibility and availability of both the hospital and the health worker should be assured to all those who require health care

2. Waiting.

Waiting times for all services should be minimized.

In most developing countries, the high demand for services often makes this a huge problem. nevertheless, it has to be addressed effectively through continual review of patient response and other data and using this feedback to make the necessary change

3. Information.

Patient information and instruction about all procedure, both medical and administrative should be made very clear. Well trained patient counsellors from an effective link between the patient and hospital staff and make patient's experience better and health worker task much easier.

4. Administration

Check-in and check-out procedures should be "patient friendly". For example, for in-patient, we have instituted system of discharging patient in their rooms, eliminating the need for the patient or the family member to g to another office or counter in the hospital and waiting there for a long time. This has been favorably received by patient.

5. Communication. Communicating with patient and the family about possible delays is a factor that can avoid a lot of frustration and anxiety. The creation of a special "patient care department" with a full time administrator or person designated for that depending on the facility level will helped facility health services and will enhance interactions with patient and their families

6. Ancillary services. Other services such as communication, food etc should be accessible both to patient and to attending families

CHIFA Profile: Nisha Keshary Bhatta is a Professor of Pediatrics & Neonatology at the B.P.Koirala Institute of Health Sciences in Nepal. I am passionately interested in Quality Improvement (QI) Science related to newborn health and their rights.

Email address: nishakesharybhatta AT