Children and Wearing Masks - COVID-19 (18)

23 July, 2020

Sara, I find if mask-wearing and not touching the face are presented to the child together, the presence of the mask does serve as a reminder not to touch the face.

Some kids in my practice, however, are constantly adjusting their masks while I'm with them. In doing so, they may be contaminating their hands, so I talk to them about alcohol hand rub anytime they have touched their

mask, and remind them again about not touching the face.



Michael K. Visick, MD, FAAP

Project Manager, Maternal & Newborn Care, Latter-day Saint Charities

Global Newborn & Child Health Advisor, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah

School of Medicine

CHIFA profile: Michael K. Visick is a Pediatrician, MNC Technical Specialist, LDSCharities, AAP, USA. Professional interests: Global maternal and child health and survival. Email address: visickmnc AT