Children and Wearing Masks - COVID-19 (19)

24 July, 2020

Michael, I was only referring to research and guidelines, not my own personal opinion.

I can also only referr to the special guidelines and situation in my own Sweden. We had many mortalities, but almost none among children. Neither have we had known outbreaks among children. We have had no lock downs, and schools up to grade 9 have been open.

Its wonderful if children can be made to wear masks and educated not touch their faces. I just dont think its applicable everywhere as few communities and countries have that kind of resources.

Kind regards,


CHIFA profile: Sara Tornquist is a Midwife at Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden. Professional interests: Breastfeeding, respectful maternity care, equality, equity, universal health care. Email address: saratornquist1 AT