Children and Wearing Masks - COVID-19 (20)

25 July, 2020

Dear Hajime and everyone else of this VERY important CHIFA debate

i agree it is NOT only about the difficulties of children of wearing masks, but also dirty hands, touching their face, mouth, nose, eyes and all classroom and school objects and plus overcrowded schools here in Brazil

The Brazilian Pediatric Society has published a document pro-masks for children older than 2 years, but we all know how difficult it will be for children between 2-4 years, to wear them, anyway.

And Hajime when you say > cluster< of 26 children and 8 teachers - so, did the school close (?) for 14 days for everyone (?) and how were the contactants (other children, parents, teachers, school-workers) followed-up (?)

There is a lot of pressure for re-opening of schools but not so good or available protocols about hygiene, teachers' training and environmental control and children´s educational and health materials.

I would like to know better - please share information or practical school protocols< for the re-opening of classes.

Brazilian Regards to everyone from Rio de Janeiro.

Evelyn Eisenstein, MD

CHIFA Profile: Evelyn Eisenstein is Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at Centro de Estudos Integrados, Infancia, Adolescencia, Saude, CEIIAS in Brazil. Professional interests: Child and Adolescent Growth, UN-CRC health rights, digital health and Internet risks for children and teens/youth, medical risks like nutritional, infectious and sexual/reproductive disorders. Email address: