Combating Plastic Pollution and Climate Change

25 January, 2025

Dear Sirs,

Warm greetings from Bangladesh!

The World Health Organization (WHO) expressed its concern that the potential impacts of plastics on health have become an issue of global concern due to risks and harms from plastics at each stage of their lifecycle. Many gaps remain in the current scientific knowledge of the health impacts of different types of plastics, chemicals and additives and their breakdown in the environment, however there is increasing public awareness and overwhelming consensus amongst all stakeholders that plastics do not belong in the environment and measures should be taken to mitigate exposure to microplastics and harmful chemicals released during plastics manufacture, use and disposal.

In line with that please have a look at my news article titled: Combating Plastic Pollution and Climate Change, PARVEZ BABUL, News Now Bangla, January 25, 2025. Here is the link to view:

Happy reading!

Feedback solicited.

Thank you so much for your valuable time.

Best regards,

Parvez Babul

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Cell and WhatsApp: +8801711802013



• Executive Editor: News Now Bangla ; Columnist to the mainstream English newspapers include the Daily Star, Daily Observer, Business Post among others;

• Feminist Foreign Policy Fellow of IMPRI and Asia Foundation

• General Secretary: Bangladesh Association for Social Communication (BASCOM);

• Radio/ Audio and Video Storyteller, Award-winning Journalist, Poet, Author, Environment Activist.

• Expertise: Project Management, Public Relations, Strategic Communications and Media consultant. My write up incorporated in the text curriculum at the Connecticut University, America. Title: Women Food Security and Climate Change in Bangladesh;

• Media Fellow: ICIMOD Nepal, IDRC Canada, PANOS South Asia, Nepal, GAIA Philippines and other globally reputed organizations;

• Participation: COP 22 of UNFCCC in Morocco, 2016; International Conferences on Environment, Climate Change, Migration, Women, Disasters at home and abroad.

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