Sharing with HIFA colleagues for interest [see below]
Best regards,
HIFA profile: Patrick Wilson is Head of Global Health Communications & Stakeholder Engagement at the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), UK . Professional interest: Global health research. @NIHRglobal patrick.wilson AT
From Ejemai Eboreime <>
Date Wed, 16 Nov 2022 at 11:52
Subject Engaging stakeholders to identify gaps and develop strategies to inform evidence use for health policymaking in Nigeria
To <>, <>, COP-WANEL <>, <>
Dear colleagues, please read our recently published article titled :
Engaging stakeholders to identify gaps and develop strategies to inform evidence use for health policymaking in Nigeria
Recent efforts to bridge the evidence-policy gap in low-and middle-income countries have seen growing interest from key audiences such as government, civil society, international organizations, private sector players, academia, and media. One of such engagement was a two-day virtual participant-driven conference (the convening) in Nigeria. The aim of the convening was to develop strategies for improving evidence use in health policy. The convening witnessed a participant blend of health policymakers, researchers, political policymakers, philanthropists, global health practitioners, program officers, students, and the media.
In this article, we analyzed conversations at the convening with the aim to disseminate findings to key stakeholders in Nigeria.
The engagements were financially supported by Health Systems Global
I hope you find this useful.