Coronavirus (1406) BBC: Bolsonaro: Brazilian Supreme Court opens investigation into vaccine comments

4 December, 2021

Over the past several months many of us have been asking on HIFA: Why are political leaders, including heads of state, allowed to ignore public health evidence and promote policy and practice that threatens the health and lives of their populations?

Extracts from a BBC new article. Full text:


'Brazil's Supreme Court has opened an inquiry into comments made by President Jair Bolsonaro wrongly claiming that Covid-19 vaccines may increase the chance of contracting Aids...

Mr Bolsonaro has frequently cast doubt over the effectiveness of vaccines...

Mr Bolsonaro claimed that reports "suggest that people who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) much faster than expected". The assertion has been strongly rejected by scientists and medical experts.

The embattled president, who has refused to get vaccinated himself, has defended the comments and claimed that he was simply quoting from an article in a magazine...

A special Senate investigative panel backed a report calling for charges to be filed against the president, including crimes against humanity...


Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator,