Coronavirus (26) Informal workers

1 April, 2020

Dear Jo, [Jo Vallis, Scotland:]

For regions like Sub-Saharan Africa, COVID-19 can be a perfect storm in the form of a health problem, and above all, an economic catastrophe for which they lack a safety net. The uncertainties are so many that all economic sectors and the population in general must be taken into account. So my question is about what kind of measures the government could take for self-employed and those working in the informal sector, people who sell things on the street, and who are living in poverty?

I could think that although these people do not want to be exposed to the virus, it is a population that must continue working to survive, unless the government does something about it. In some Latin-American countries, for example, some governments have asked companies, organizations and the community in general to donate food to give away to the people most in need which is distributed with the help of volunteers, police or the military.

An idea that I believe can be replicated by the government in Zambia with the help of local NGOs.

Do you think this strategy could be possible in Zambia too?


Yina Garcia-Lopez

HIFA-Zambia profile: Yina Garcia Lopez has a PhD in Public Health, Miguel Hernᮤez University, Spain, and a BA in Social Communication and Journalism, The University of North, Colombia. She is currently based in Edinburgh, UK. yinaliz.garcia AT