In addition to the PLOS piece, the following TDR podcast episode may compliment this discussion and the summary by the moderator. [*see note below]
HIFA profile: Edward Mberu Kamau is a Technical Officer with WHO/TDR, Kenya. Professional interests: Empowering community health workers. kamaued AT
[*Note from HIFA moderator (Neil PW): Here is a summary from the website: 'What are the colonial legacies in global health? And what impact have they had on how some health and health research programmes are run in Africa? In this episode, we speak to two visionary women leaders who tell us what’s wrong in global health and give concrete steps toward more equitable and inclusive partnerships. Host Garry Aslanyan speaks with Catherine Kyobutungi, Executive Director of the African Population and Health Research Center in Kenya, and Agnes Binagwaho, Vice Chancellor of the University of Global Health Equity in Rwanda and former Minister of Health of Rwanda.']