Delphi Study: AI for Clinical Settings Checklist (PhD Project)

21 January, 2024

Hi HIFA community, I would appreciate if anyone eligible would sign up to take part in the Delphi study for developing AI systems in healthcare. Thanks

My name is Ayomide Owoyemi, a doctoral candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago. For my doctoral dissertation, I am conducting a Delphi study (Approved by the University of Illinois Chicago IRB: STUDY2023-0535-MOD003) to review, edit, and improve the draft of a checklist designed to guide the process of designing and developing AI tools intended for clinical settings. The Delphi method is a structured process for gaining consensus through controlled assessments with a group of experts or individuals knowledgeable in the subject area.

As a part of this study, I am seeking experts (Doctor, Nurse, Health informatician, AI researcher, AI engineer, Healthcare Administrator, Human factors researcher, Healthcare system researcher, Implementation researcher, Healthcare Product Manager, Health Ethics and safety expert, Allied Health Professional, AI Policy Expert) to participate in two to three rounds of structured questionnaires aimed at refining the checklist. Your input will be invaluable in determining the essential factors that can influence the successful integration and adoption of AI tools in clinical practice.

Each round of questionnaires will last approximately 25-30 minutes and will be conducted online. After each round, the aggregated responses will be analyzed, and a subsequent questionnaire will be developed based on the group's feedback. All responses will be kept anonymous, and you may discontinue your participation at any time.

Upon your agreement to participate, you will be sent an email with further instructions and a link to access the first round of questionnaires. After the completion of all rounds, a summary report of the findings will be shared with all participants.

Your expertise and participation in this study are highly regarded and appreciated. Please kindly confirm your interest in participating by replying to this form or contact me directly at If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me or my advisor, Dr. Andrew Boyd at

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Ayomide Owoyemi

Department of Biomedical and Health Information Sciences

College of Applied Health Sciences

1919 W. Taylor Street

Chicago, IL 60612

Telephone: 312-978-2703


HIFA profile: Owoyemi Ayomide’s background is in Medicine, public health, and digital health. He has had experience working as a clinician and public health physician in Nigeria. He worked as a consultant on a global fund project for HIV care and management. He has also built different digital health products for Nigeria and other African countries. He led the team that built the first COVID triage tool in Africa. He is presently building , a healthcare distribution and management platform to expand health coverage for Nigerians and Africans. He is a contributor to a Springer textbook on AI in medicine and he is also studying for a PhD in health informatics at the University of Illinois at Chicago with a focus on AI/ML applications in healthcare. ayomideowoyemi AT