Dear all,
Adolescence is a crucial life stage and the adolescent has several challenges navigating Adolescence and it's physical, psychosocial, mental and cognitive development.
Indeed, the girl child must not be left to suffer in shame and distress for a natural phenomenon/process. We must empower them with knowledge and options so menses dont derail their life and education. This ha to scaled up in parts of Zambia ensuring that no child is left behind.
I am strategically positioned in Mufumbwe district if North Western province and l work with adolescents everyday. Unfortunately the resources are inadequate to enable me and the team to reach to all adolescents including those in hard to reach area who are the most vulnerable. How l wish there could be deliberate program to reach out to every child and adolescent.
Banda Simon
Mufumbwe, NWP
HIFA-Zambia profile: Simon McShy Banda is a Nurse at the Ministry of Health in Zambia. Professional interests: Paediatric Nurse Educator. simonmcshy.banda AT