Determinants of healthcare providers' confidence in their clinical skills to deliver quality obstetric and newborn care in Uganda and Zambia (2)

2 July, 2020

Thank you for providing insights about obstetric and newborn care. As pointed out confidence does not equate to competency. Competency directly affect the outcome of care and how to respond if care doesn't go as planned. Also patient satisfaction relies in a variety of variables and evidence suggest majority of the time patient satisfaction is based on things like food, privacy, respect etc. I have also noticed that about 30% of the sample were nurses and doctors, so who were the other 70%? In most of African countries it is midwives or nurse-midwives responsible for obstetrics and newborn care, what percentages were midwives? Are they lumped together with nurses? 


Samuel Matula

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CHIFA profile: Samuel Matula is a Doctoral student/ Lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Botswana. Professional interests: Pediatric health management in low resource settings with a focus on pain management and health outcomes research. matulats AT