Donation in support of HIFA-WHO Collaboration activities (2)

11 January, 2023

Dear Joseph,

Thank you so much to you and HRI Global [ ] for your generous donation to HIFA, as a contribution to support the development of our work in 2023 with the World Health Organization.

This year HIFA is conducting a global stakeholder consultation to develop a report for WHO on 'Best practices, opportunities and challenges towards pursuing universal access to reliable healthcare information'. A working group of HIFA and WHO representatives is meeting tomorrow (Thursday) to plan next steps.

This report will build on HIFA's achievements to date [ ] and will help inform future action by HIFA, WHO and others to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information for all.

The development of the report is costed at $15,000. We have now raised a total of $2,500 from supporting organisations (including HRI Global) and personal donations.

I would like to invite other HIFA supporting organisations and individual members to donate to HIFA for our work in 2023. Your donation can be unrestricted or directed specifically to our work with WHO.

If you can help, please donate by:



Bank transfer: Healthcare Information For All (HIFA), Co-operative Bank, UK. Sort code: 08-92-99, Account number: 65873036, IBAN: GB36 CPBK 089299 65873036, BIC: CPK GB22

Any amount you can afford will be gratefully received. All contributions will be acknowledged on the HIFA website (including logo on home page) and on the final Report.

With thanks, Neil

On behalf of the HIFA-WHO Collaboration Working Group

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator

Healthcare Information For All

Global Healthcare Information Network

Working in Official Relations with the World Health Organization

20,000 members, 400 supporting organisations, 180 countries, 6 forums, 4 languages