I hope that the WHO Academy *** “lifelong learning for a healthier world” will include digital knowledge for undergraduate health professionals world wide - and for patients. The paper “Using electronic patient records: defining learning outcomes for undergraduate education 3 by Sarah Pontefract and Kurt Wilson” [*] is particularly succinct and short on the syllabus data requirements of nursing, pharmacy, midwifery and medical undergraduates education:
“Abstract Background: Healthcare professionals are required to access, interpret and generate patient data in the digital environment, and use this information to deliver and optimise patient care.
“Students are rarely exposed to the technology, or given the opportunity to use this during their training, which can impact on the digital competence of the graduating workforce. In this study we set out to develop and define domains of competence and associated learning outcomes needed by healthcare graduates to commence working in a digital healthcare environment.
“Method: A National Working Group was established in the UK to integrate Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) into undergraduate education for healthcare students studying medicine, pharmacy, nursing and midwifery. The working group, comprising 12 academic institutions and representatives from NHS England, NHS Digital and EPR system providers, met to discuss and document key learning outcomes required for using EPRs in the healthcare environment.
“Outcomes were grouped into six key domains and refined by the group prior to external review by experts working in medical education or with EPRs.
“Results: Six key domains of competence and associated learning outcomes were identified and defined. External expert review provided iterative refinement and amendment. The agreed domains were:
“1) Digital Health: work as a practitioner in the digital healthcare environment;
“2) Accessing Data: access and interpret patient data to inform clinical decision-making;
“3) Communication: communicate effectively with healthcare professionals and patients in the digital environment;
“4) Generating data: generate data for and about patients within the EPR;
“5) Multidisciplinary working: work with healthcare professionals with and alongside EPRs;
“6) Monitoring and audit: monitor and improve the quality and safety of healthcare. Conclusion: The six domains of competence and associated learning outcomes can be used by academics to guide the integration of EPRs into undergraduate healthcare programmes.
“This is key to ensuring that the future healthcare workforce can work with and alongside EPRs.
Open Notes publishes educational resources about digital notes for patients:
How to get the most out of your notes: FAQs for patients – How To Use Open Notes <https://howtouse.opennotes.org/open-notes-faqs-for-patients/>
How to Read an Open Note – How To Use Open Notes <https://howtouse.opennotes.org/how-to-read-an-open-note/>
Perhaps similar learning tools could be made available in many languages on the WHO Academy website?
***WHO Academy <https://www.who.int/about/who-academy> *** President
Macron, WHO Director-General, and global health leaders inaugurate WHO Academy in Lyon
*** Lifelong learning for a healthier world: the WHO Academy Strategy
(*** "The World Health Organization’s Academy was established to build a lifelong learning ecosystem that enables health and care workers, policymakers and WHO staff to develop their capabilities. It will offer lifelong learning opportunities to all professionals striving to improve global health outcomes. The Academy’s campus and online learning platform will be inaugurated in Lyon, France, in December 2024.
"This inaugural strategy charts a course to establish the WHO Academy as a global leader in lifelong learning for the health sector. It presents the WHO Academy’s vision, mission and strategic goal to create a world in which health and care workers have the skills and competencies they need to achieve health for all. Introduced by the WHO Academy’s Executive Director, Dr David Atchoarena, with a foreword from WHO’s Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Strategy details an operational roadmap to achieve that ambition.
"The WHO Academy aims to establish partnerships and create a global community of practice on innovative lifelong learning across the health sector. The Strategy invites countries, partners and donors to support the WHO Academy in leading lifelong learning for a healthier world.")
HIFA profile: Richard Fitton is a retired family doctor - GP. Professional interests: Health literacy, patient partnership of trust and implementation of healthcare with professionals, family and public involvement in the prevention of modern lifestyle diseases, patients using access to professional records to overcome confidentiality barriers to care, patients as part of the policing of the use of their patient data. Email address: richardpeterfitton7 AT gmail.com
[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): Here is the URL to the paper by Sarah Pontefract and Kurt Wilson: https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-019-1466-5 ]