The message below is forwarded from AfroPHC. Our discussions on HIFA have already highlighted several priorities for supporting health workers during COVID-19 and we are ready to contribute as needed.
Dear Colleagues,
The COVID-19 pandemic has had and is having a profound impact on health and care workers. The health workforce has faced increased workload, infection, quarantine, industrial action, stigma and violence, stress, burnout, whistleblowing and disciplinary actions, and inability or reduced possibilities for professional development. These blows have come amidst increasing demands for services and for health workers to take on new roles and tasks and to gain competencies and knowledge rapidly, often in the absence of a decent work environment that includes regular salaries, overtime and paid leave for recuperation.
The development of WHO's normative guidance, policy dialogue opportunities and technical cooperation in countries must be informed by collation and appraisal of evolving evidence, and interpretation by experts and policy makers with an in-depth understanding of the topic. The WHO Health Workforce department is establishing a time-bound guideline development group to serve an advisory function on its COVID-19 portfolio of products and activities, including updating the interim guidance on Health workforce policy and management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic response [ ] to take into account two years of evidence and triangulation of data.
As respected colleagues and experts in key issue areas, we would like to ask that you share the published expression of interest [ ] and terms of reference [ ] within your network and, as appropriate, to consider responding to the call for members, if your time commitments allow. Responses are requested by 28 February 2022.
Kind regards,
Catherine Kane
Catherine Kane
Human Resources for Health Policies & Standards
World Health Organization Health Workforce Department
Avenue Appia 20, CH-1211 Geneva 27
+41 22 791 1593
Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator,