Entire set of family planning teaching videos now available

1 June, 2022

Dear colleagues,

Global Health Media Project is pleased to announce that our entire set of family planning videos has now been published. There are 34 videos for health workers and 20 videos for women and their partners. In addition, we have created 9 “teaching shorts”, which capture the key steps in the skills videos.

The videos present up-to-date standards on these important topics: contraceptive methods; family planning learning aids; contraceptive method skills (“how-to” films); counseling; reproductive health; and clinic-based infection prevention and control.

All of the videos are available on our website in English, French, and Spanish: https://globalhealthmedia.org/videos <https://globalhealthmedia.org/videos>

The videos for health workers are also available in our new app—Family Planning Videos—which you can find in both the Google Play store and iPhone App store. We have included the videos for women and partners in our Birth & Beyond app.

If you would like to narrate the videos in your local language, please contact us via this link:

https://globalhealthmedia.org/narrate-our-videos/ <https://globalhealthmedia.org/narrate-our-videos/>

Thanks and kind regards,


Deborah Van Dyke, Director

Tel/WhatsApp: +1.802.595.9606

Skype: deborahvandyke

HIFA profile: Deborah Van Dyke is the Founder and Director of Global Health Media Project, an organization producing videos that bring to life critical health care information for providers and populations in low-resource settings. Capitalizing on advances in ICT will enable distribution worldwide at lower cost via the Internet and mobile devices. She is a family practice clinician with extensive experience with MSF/Doctors Without Borders, based in the US. deb AT globalhealthmedia.org