Dear Prof Biswas
Thank you for your thoughts and do not think the claim that there was no knowledge (written or otherwise) in LMICs is true. A large part of it has been lost during the colonial process(together with people killed or famished e.g. the deliberately created Bengal Famine by Churchill ) and continued epistemic injustice enables its sustainence.. A good read on extractivismo, theoretical colonialism, and attempts at epistemological genocide from the education sector is here (free to read)
Dr. Soumyadeep Bhaumik
HIFA profile: Soumyadeep Bhaumik is a medical doctor and international public health specialist with more than 8 years’ experience as a methodologist and public health generalist. His work is focused on employing and innovating on a diverse range of methodologies (rapid evidence synthesis, national evidence gap maps, qualitative research, and lot quality assurance sampling) as fit-for-purpose approaches for public health research and practice, including for evaluation of public health programs. He is a HIFA Country Representative and CR of the Year 2012. drsoumyadeepbhaumik AT