Experiences of teachers and community health workers implementing sexuality and life skills education in youth clubs in Zambia (2)

8 June, 2022

Hi Neil,

Thank you for sharing this.

I am interested in getting full access to this publication, can anyone with full access kindly share the pdf with me. Will love to learn from the study. [*see note below]

So how do we tackle those perceived bottlenecks? Whats on the menu?


Dr. Wezi P. M. Sunkutu,

Clinical Research Fellow,

University North Carolina -Global Projects Zambia (UNC-GPZ)

Cell: +260-977-518-949

Skype name: wezi_sunkutu

"The most important question to ask on the job is not, "what am I getting?" The most important question to ask on the job is, "what am I becoming?" - Jim Rohn.

HIFA profile: Wezi P. M. Sunkutu is a medical doctor (GP) with over 5yrs exposure in the rural parts of the country at both clinical and administrative level. He is now in the private sector and developing his special interest in the role nutrition plays in the management of diseases. http://www.wezisunkutu.flp.com/home.jsf drwezisunkutu AT gmail.com

[*Note from NPW, moderator: I have just done a search on Google Scholar and the full text article is available on ResearchGate here:

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Malizgani-Chavula/publication/34982... ]