This is a reality in my country, we can buy such drugs from a drug shop, a community clinic and pharmacy as well. Its just like buying pain killers. My nieces who have worked in a hospital at the front desk know about all these very strong antibiotics, pain killers anti allergies and always have them in the house. This extends to anti malaria drugs and the only time I was asked for a prescription is when I was buying anti depressants. There was no need for identification though and I could send anyone to buy it form if I was busy as long as that person carried my precription.
HIFA profile: Immaculate Nakityo Lwanga is a Project Manager/Administrator at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda. She is interested in working with projects/programmes on HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, Health Systems Strengthening, socio-economic empowerment for vulnerable populations, Gender and women and Orphans and other Vulnerable children. Such programmes may focus on awareness and education, capacity building, direct service delivery and/or research. She is a member of the HIFA mHEALTH-INNOVATE working group.
Email: immacn AT