[Re: https://www.hifa.org/dgroups-rss/cancer-awareness-detection-camps-women-... ]
Good day
It is indeed true that LMICs have the highest burden of cancer with high morbidity and mortality. Various barriers contribute to this scenario.
One of them being the lack of knowledge at all levels of the healthcare system including the community.
For example, I was shocked in the course of my work to learn that people don't believe or don't know that children get cancer.
And l know as HIFA we can make an impact by providing knowledge about cancer - tailored for health workers and the public.
We have started to do this work as the Zimbabwe Society of Oncology Pharmacy in collaboration with Famaro Enterprises through the Non Communicable Diseases ECHO but funding constraints have stalled our work. We are working to convert learning material on Early Warning signs of Childhood Cancer so that it can be delivered virtually. Our aim is to have two streams - one for health workers and one for the general public.
We believe there are many others out there with the passion to share knowledge on cancer.
It will be good for HIFA to consider how we can leverage on collaborations to disseminate knowledge on cancer.
A project on cancer led and supported by HlFA would indeed be a great platform to contribute our expertise and knowledge.
As we think around this, it will be critical to involve people with lived experience. These are experts in their own rights. Tapping into their knowledge will be critical for the success of the HIFA led cancer project.
We are here to support and look forward to this work stream.
Kind regards,
Venus Dadirai Mushininga
HIFA profile: Venus Mushininga is a pharmacist with the Ministry of Health and Childcare in Zimbabwe. She is a founder and President of the Zimbabwe Society of Oncology Pharmacy and the Zimbabewan delegate to the European Society of Oncology Pharmacy. Professional interests: Oncology, Dissemination of information through to Health Professionals and the public, Research. She is co-coordinator of the HIFA working group on information for Prescribers and Users of Medicines. She is a member of the HIFA working group on Prescribers and Users of Medicines.