Facebook versus The BMJ: when fact checking goes wrong (2)

22 January, 2022

The campaign that has been going on since its establishment, the Facebook, my spellchecker called it fakebook, has been focusing on misinformation as a method to collect more money and bring more audience. If I were given a chance to chose, I will definitely chose BMJ as my source of truth. Facebook has been deliberately driving the world into wrong assumptions and wrong results, it only survives because of misinformation whether this is political or health or culture. Users should for sure be worried because of the purely commercial interest of the company. Facebook is good in twisting the facts and is totally against the truth. Millions of other people have been deprived from accessing their accounts just because of being truthful to themselves and their network members. I do really hope that platforms like BMJ will continue to do what is right and for HIFA to keep educating people about the truth and providing them with high quality information.

Kind regards. Najeeb Al-Shorbaji

HIFA profile: Najeeb Al-Shorbaji recently retired from the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked since 1988 in different capacities. He was most recently Director of the Knowledge, Ethics and Research Department at WHO headquarters, Geneva. Previously he was Coordinator for Knowledge Management and Sharing in EMRO (Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office), Egypt. He is a member of a number of national and international professional societies and associations specialised in information management and health informatics. He has authored over 100 research papers and articles presented in various conferences and published in professional journals. He is a member of the HIFA Steering Group and the HIFA Working Group on Multilingualism.



Email: shorbajin AT gmail.com