Season 3, Episode 2 of Inside the FP Story podcast went live on Wednesday, April 27th. In the second episode of Inside the FP Story [], Knowledge SUCCESS, IGWG, and Breakthrough ACTION continue the theme of gender integration in family planning programs, and focus on gender based violence (GBV) prevention and response. We examine specific actions that programs can take to improve the quality of GBV prevention and response services by meeting the unique needs of the community. We hope the recommendations shared can help family planning programs become gender transformative. Listen now!
The final episode of this season will be released Wednesday, May 4th - check back for updates! You can also download English and French versions of the transcripts here.
Natalie Apcar, MSc (she/her)
Program Officer, Knowledge SUCCESS
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, MD 21202
Website: |
HIFA profile: Natalie Apcar is Program Officer, Knowledge SUCCESS, JHU CCP, United States. Email: