Dear All,
Please see the message below from WHO regarding the Gap Assessment Tool for neglected tropical diseases: global-level assessment survey. The link for the online questionnaire is; . The questionnaire is available in other languages which may be helpful for members of other HIFA networks.
Best wishes, Malcolm
HIFA profile: Malcolm Brewster is a Community Nurse with the National Health Service, UK. Professional interests: Chronic disease, community nursing, medical anthropology, health care in Africa. He is a member of the HIFA Working Group on Information for Prescribers and Users of Medicines: Email address: malcolmbrewster AT
From - neglected.diseases <>
Sent - Wednesday, 18 January 2023 at 11:07:50 GMT
Subject - Gap Assessment Tool for neglected tropical diseases: global-level assessment survey
The World Health Organization (WHO) prepared the document Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals: a road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021−2030 (“the road map”) through an extensive global consultation pursuant to decision EB146(9) of the Executive Board at its 146th session, which culminated in the endorsement of the document by the Seventy-third World Health Assembly in 2020. The road map sets global targets and milestones to prevent, control, eliminate or eradicate 20 diseases and disease groups as well as cross-cutting targets aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. These include overarching, cross-cutting and disease-specific targets the achievement of which requires considerable work by countries and stakeholders.
The WHO Secretariat is leading the follow-up assessment of four of the eleven dimensions of the heat map by using a gap assessment tool (GAT), a qualitative, participatory device for tracking progress towards the 2030 targets of the road map. This public consultation seeks your perceptions on the status of progress along these four dimensions for all 20 NTDs. Your inputs will be consolidated for consideration by disease-specific focus groups whose deliberations will identify current gaps that pose a persistent risk to the attainment of the road map targets. This will provide qualitative evidence on corrective measures needed to address these gaps and inform reporting on global progress against NTDs to the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly in 2024.
Please participate in this second public consultation by completing the online questionnaire
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Gap Assessment Tool for neglected tropical diseases: global-level assess...
in this phase of web consultation. It is also available in from the questionnaire itself in Arabic, French, Spanish and Portuguese. You will be able to select the diseases and dimensions for which you would like to provide response. Please disseminate it as widely as possible through your networks and share it with your colleagues.
With much appreciation for your support in this regard,
Strategic Information and Analytics Unit
WHO Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases
Geneva, Switzerland