Geneva Health Forum 2024 : Call for abstracts

12 October, 2023


The conference of the Geneva Health Forum will take place from Monday 27 May to Wednesday 29 May 2024, during the World Health Assembly.

A call for abstracts is launched to gather proposals for presentations from October 1rst to December 15th 2023.

We invite individuals and organizations alike to contribute their invaluable experiences to this essential event.

Can you share this call in HIFA networks.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

Thanks a lot for all your help

Eric Comte

Call for abstracts

From May 27 to 29, 2024, the prestigious Geneva Health Forum conference will take place alongside the World Health Assembly, providing a unique platform conveying the perspectives of scientists, medical practitioners and field actors on the main challenges and opportunities for global health.

The World Health Assembly, the paramount decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), represents a unique moment when health ministers from across the globe convene to define global health strategies. It is during this momentous occasion that a multitude of health stakeholders gather in Geneva to voice their perspectives and insights.

True to its mission, the Geneva Health Forum is committed to the following principles:

* Amplifying Voices from the Field: We champion inclusivity by offering visibility to those on the frontlines of healthcare. Actors from LMICs will be given a privileged platform to share their experiences.

* Creating a Neutral Forum for Debate: Our commitment to impartiality ensures that the Geneva Health Forum serves as a neutral ground for informed and constructive discourse.

* Fostering Multidisciplinary Collaboration: We facilitate dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, spanning the political, academic, private sector, and civil society spheres.

* Leveraging Practical Experience: Our initiatives are grounded in real-world practicality, drawing upon invaluable experience gained from on-the-ground projects.

The Geneva Health Forum conference is more than a mere platform for discussion; it is a catalyst for action. Participants will have the opportunity to:

* Gain Insights into Global Health Challenges: Delve into the intricacies of global health issues, share scientific evidence and lobby for action.

* Forge Valuable Connections: Meet and connect with key players in the field, building networks and collaborations that can drive impactful change.

* Drive Change: Actively participate in influencing ongoing debates and contributing to the development of innovative initiatives.

The 2024 conference will revolve around three overarching themes, each explored during dedicated days:

* Towards the Elimination of Malaria

* Migration, Health, and Equity

* Health and Environment: Time for Solutions

We are excited to announce a call for abstracts for the Geneva Health Forum conference, scheduled from May 27 to 29, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland. We invite individuals and organizations alike to contribute their invaluable experiences to this essential event.

Presentations can take the form of a 15-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation. We are eager to hear about projects, practices, and research conducted in the field that can further our collective understanding of global health challenges and solution pathways.

The call for abstracts is open from October 1 to December 15, 2023. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative dialogue and action-oriented event that can shape the future of global health.

To propose your abstract and get more information:

Dr Eric Comte

Director of the Geneva Health Forum<>

Together, let's build the health of tomorrow