Dear all,
Indeed The Global Health Network Conference 2022 provided an excellent platform to meet wonderful people, although I am sure I missed some as in the case of Ekezie Ralueke Oluchukwu from Nigeria to whom I thank for her message to the Forum.
On this occasion I would like to share that during my stay in Cape Town, South Africa (SA), I had the opportunity to meet Tracy Eastman, who is a member of the HIFA Steering Group. Tracy is a medical doctor and health manager who throughout her career has worked in clinical practice, service delivery management, health information technology systems, evidence-based medicine and a programme to strengthen primary health care, in collaboration with several groups and in several countries. Previously, I had interchanged virtually with Tracy, by email and in Zoom meetings. It was meaningful for me to interchange face-to-face with her about our experiences and learn how our different trajectories have led us to share and contribute to HIFA´s vision. This was certainly for me an important additional outcome of my participation in the Conference and a way to strengthen ties with HIFA.
HIFA-es Moderator
HIFA profile: Jackeline Alger, MD, PhD, is a parasitologist associated to the Department of Clinical Laboratory of the University Hospital; Executive Director of the Antonio Vidal Institute for Infectious Diseases and Parasitology; Tegucigalpa, Honduras. HIFA Country Representative of the Year for the years 2015 and 2018. Email jackelinealger AT
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