Marlene Winfield* has sent me this wonderful link to an interview "Governance
Structures around Data and the Importance of Data for States and for the USA federal government during COVID with Beth Blauer of Johns Hopkins University on Apple Podcasts". Beth Blauer, Associate Vice Provost for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University, and Academy Fellow, discusses the JHU COVID Data Visualization tool, the importance of governance structures when using data, and what conclusions can be drawn from the COVID data.
Just as Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus Abhanon the DG of the WHO suggested, collaboration is the key. Beth explains in the 33 minute interview that the original meetings of government agencies charged with gathering data to inform decisions were "hostile and emotional".
Marlene writes “My niece did this interview recently about sharing data to manage public services, including health, and governance required for trust. She ran the Johns Hopkins global covid data programme among other things.”
(*Marlene Winfield was the Lead for patient and public involvement for the NHS Information Authority in the early 2000's. Marlene was the main author of what we called "Syllabus 12" - a syllabus designed to explain the emerging "collaborative" culture of health care (as opposed to the traditional "paternalistic" culture) possible with patient portals, shared patient records and shared care protocols, care pathway designs and access to the ability to learn and use the knowledge, skills and attitudes available to professionals.
A new Syllabus 13 is a possibility for the public as digital health develops?
Dr Tedros said during early WHO press briefings that of the three engagement styles- collaboration, competition or conflict, that countries could utilise to work together during covid, collaboration was the one most likely to succeed.
HIFA Profile: Richard Fitton is a retired family doctor - GP. Professional interests: Health literacy, patient partnership of trust and implementation of healthcare with professionals, family and public involvement in the prevention of modern lifestyle diseases, patients using access to professional records to overcome confidentiality barriers to care, patients as part of the policing of the use of their patient data
Email address: richardpeterfitton7 AT