Dear Neil,
Thanks so much for highlighting the article on Ebola in The Guardian. We have reached out to several people and organizations mentioned in that article who are involved in the Ebola effort in Uganda - from WHO, UNICEF and a local NGO caalled Mildmay - to let them know about our animated educational film, The Story of Ebola. The film can be freely used for community awareness and education, and is available at this link:
We made the film with IFRC and UNICEF to help support communities during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016. It is an engaging story that makes visible the invisible Ebola virus - showing how it is transmitted and how to protect oneself. IIt also shows safe burial practices and demystifies a patient’s experience in an Ebola treatment unit. The story is told through a young girl whose grandfather died of Ebola. Although made for West Africa, the film likely shows similar cultural practices and context as in Uganda. It is very popular on YouTube with 75 million views.
The Story of Ebola was also used extensively by aid organizations in the DRC during the 2018-2020 outbreak. We hope it will be equally helpful in raising community awareness in Uganda.
The film is available in English, French, Lingala, and Swahili. We are collaborating with people in Uganda to narrate it in three other local languages: Luganda, Luo, and Runyankore.
Kind regards,
Deborah Van Dyke, Director
Tel/WhatsApp: +1.802.595.9606
Skype: deborahvandyke
HIFA profile: Deborah Van Dyke is the Founder and Director of Global Health Media Project, an organization producing videos that bring to life critical health care information for providers and populations in low-resource settings. Capitalizing on advances in ICT will enable distribution worldwide at lower cost via the Internet and mobile devices. She is a family practice clinician with extensive experience with MSF/Doctors Without Borders, based in the US. deb AT