In October 2022 we announced the winners of our HLG 75 poster competition. We received so many high-quality entries for this, it was very difficult to choose just 7 winning entries. As conference season will soon be upon us again, we reflect on what we learned from judging this competition.
What was our criteria, what makes an eye-catching entry and what are our top tips?
Join competition judges, Lynsey Hawker, Alison Day and Helen Else for an informal online lunch time session on Tuesday 14th February from 12pm -1pm as we discuss what elements make up a grand poster design. Book now at:
Potenza Atiogbe
HLG Communications Officer
CILIP Health Libraries Group (HLG) is a UK based network of individuals working in or professionally interested in health and social care information. Our strength is our diverse and active membership covering all health and social sectors, and geographical areas in the UK. Members work for the health service, the academic sector, the independent sector, government departments, professional associations, charities and public libraries. Students with an interest in health and social care information are also welcome. Several HLG members live and work abroad.
Twitter: @ciliphlg
HIFA profile: Potenza Atiogbe is Library Services Manager at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK. She is also the Marketing and Communications Lead for CILIP Health Libraries Group. potenza.atiogbe AT