HIFA in 2025: How you can help

21 December, 2024

Dear HIFA colleagues,

As we approach the end of the year I would like to thank you for your continued engagement with HIFA and invite you to consider a financial contribution to support our work in 2025.

In 2024, thanks to your help, we continued to build the HIFA community and forums and we successfully implemented three HIFA Projects (www.hifa.org/projects). Most importantly we have completed a global consultation for WHO to assess stakeholder perspectives on universal access to reliable healthcare information and how to accelerate progress. 2410 individuals from 135 countries took part, representing all six stakeholder groups in the global evidence ecosystem (generating, publishing, synthesising, packaging, finding, and applying evidence). Respondents overwhelmingly called for WHO to explicitly champion the goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information, and for WHO and HIFA to convene stakeholders to develop a global strategy to accelerate progress. This will be a central strategic focus for HIFA in 2025. We invite you to review the report and infographic:



We have now agreed with the World Health Organization a draft Collaboration Plan 2025-2027 and we anticipate that the the WHO Executive Board will renew our status as an NGO in official relations with WHO at their annual meeting on 29 January 2025.

HIFA alone has been responsible for securing the income needed to undertake the global consultation, and HIFA alone is responsible for raising the funds needed to deliver the Collaboration Plan 2025-27. In summary, the new Plan has 11 activities that 'support WHO's work towards fulfilling its constitutional mandate to extend to all peoples the benefits of medical, psychological and related knowledge and WHO’s activities to promote evidence-informed decision-making in line with the General Programme of Work'. We look forward to sharing details of these activities after the WHO Executive Board meeting.

Personal donations are the lifeblood of HIFA and we depend very much on the generosity of our members. In 2024, personal donations provided HIFA with a total of £5,882, equivalent to 23% of our total income. We want to thank especially the 57 members who have donated to HIFA in recent years and their names are recognised on the HIFA website (hifa.org/support/donate), as well as many others who have chosen to remain anonymous. Many of our personal donors have donated every year for the past 10+ years. Some give one-off donations while others donate by standing order each month, which is especially helpful for sustainability. We are deeply grateful to them all for their generosity.

We would like to invite *you* to consider supporting HIFA in 2025 with a financial contribution. Whatever you can afford will be gratefully received, either as a one-off donation or a monthly standing order.

Payment options

1. Direct bank transfer to:

Account name: Healthcare Information For All (HIFA)

Account number: 65873036

Sort code: 08-92-99

IBAN: GB36 CPBK 089299 65873036

Co-operative Bank, UK


2. Our dedicated HIFA fundraising platform: https://hifa.online-donation.co.uk/general/

Together we can build a world where every person will have access to the reliable healthcare information they need to protect their own health and the health of others.

Thank you so much for your support.

Best wishes, Neil

On behalf of the HIFA Steering Group: https://www.hifa.org/people/steering-group

Join HIFA: www.hifa.org/join

Collaborate: www.hifa.org/collaborate

Support our work in 2025: www.hifa.org/donate

HIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is coordinator of HIFA (Healthcare Information For All), a global health community that brings all stakeholders together around the shared goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information. HIFA has 20,000 members in 180 countries, interacting in four languages and representing all parts of the global evidence ecosystem. HIFA is administered by Global Healthcare Information Network, a UK-based nonprofit in official relations with the World Health Organization. Email: neil@hifa.org