Dear HIFA colleagues,
As part of our collaboration plan with WHO, HIFA commits to support the dissemination and uptake of WHO's publications
I invite HIFA members to share and comment on WHO publications published in recent years. How have you used them and what could be done to increase their dissemination and uptake?
The WHO home page has a user-friendly link to all WHO publications. 'WHO's policy on open access seeks to ensure that, as a fundamental part of its mission, the published outputs of its activities are freely accessible and reusable by the public. WHO is a member of cOAlition S and its open-access policy is in line with the principles of Plan S.'
Best wishes, Neil
HIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is coordinator of HIFA (Healthcare Information For All), a global health community that brings all stakeholders together around the shared goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information. HIFA has 20,000 members in 180 countries, interacting in four languages and representing all parts of the global evidence ecosystem. HIFA is administered by Global Healthcare Information Network, a UK-based nonprofit in official relations with the World Health Organization. Email: