HIFA invites your support for 2023: Implementing the HIFA Strategy and WHO Collaboration Plan

6 December, 2022

Dear HIFA colleagues,

Thank you for supporting HIFA in 2022. Lots of exciting progress has been made. With your help we have implemented a record number of new projects: Communicating health research; Health workers and mobile phones; Health systems strengthening; Essential Health Services and COVID-19; Quality Health Services; and (launching in November 2022) Mental health.

Most importantly, in January 2022 we became a Non-State Actor in Official Relations with the World Health Organization. This is an amazing recognition of the value of our work and places us alongside major players such as Médecins Sans Frontières and Oxfam. https://www.hifa.org/news/press-release-global-healthcare-information-ne...

Our new partnership with WHO is underpinned by a 3-year Collaboration Plan [ https://publicspace.who.int/sites/GEM/official_relations_details.aspx?id... ] which builds on our existing HIFA Strategy [ https://www.hifa.org/news/revision-hifa-strategy-2022-2024-convene-stake... ] to provide a roadmap on how to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information.

We now need to secure the necessary funding (WHO does not finance collaborations with NGOs - funding must be secured independently by HIFA).

For our work in 2023 we urgently need to raise £140,000. This represents a substantial increase in our current budget (£50,000 in 2022). The additional income will enable us to recruit the staff we need to boost our capacity and deliver our plans in full.

We depend very much on your generosity as HIFA members. We therefore need to ask you, exceptionally, to help us this year. Any amount you can afford will be gratefully received and we shall recognise your generosity on our website (optional). Your donation can be unrestricted or restricted to a specific forum, project or activity.

Payment options

1. Paypal: http://www.hifa.org/support/donate

2. Direct bank transfer to: Healthcare Information For All (HIFA), Co-operative Bank, UK,

Sort code: 08-92-99, Account number: 65873036, IBAN: GB36 CPBK 089299 65873036

We invite you also to consider non-financial ways that you can help. For example, your organisation may like to consider providing technical support for one of the five areas of the WHO Collaboration Plan.

Please do consider how you can provide financial or technical support for HIFA for our vital work in 2023.

Contact us to discuss possibilities for support and/or collaboration: neil@hifa.org

Thank you again.

Best wishes, Neil

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh MB,BS

Coordinator, Healthcare Information For All

Director, Global Healthcare Information Network

Corner House, Market St, Charlbury, Oxfordshire OX7 3PN, UK

E: neil@hifa.org T: +44 (0)1608 811899 orcidID: 0001-9557-1487

W: www.hifa.org Twitter: @HIFA_org Facebook: HIFAdotORG

Global Healthcare Information Network (the non-profit that administers HIFA) works in official relations with the World Health Organization to improve the availability and use of reliable healthcare information and protect people from misinformation

20,000 members, 400 supporting organisations, 180 countries, 12 projects, 6 forums, 4 languages